• Art and Queer Culture, edited by Catherine Lord, Richard Meyer, London: Phaidon, 2014.
• And She Was: Installations Inspired by Women in WWII, essays by Linda Jansma and Shelley Hornstein, Toronto, Oshawa: Robert McLaughlin Gallery & Koffler Gallery, 2008.
• The Uncanny: Experiments in Cyborg Culture, ed. Bruce Grenville, Vancouver: Vancouver Art Gallery/Arsenal Press, 2002.
• Finding Camp X: Contemporary Considerations of an Enigma, Gary Greenwood, Oshawa: Robert McLaughlin Gallery, 2002.
• The Passionate Camera: Photography and Bodies of Desire, Deborah Bright ed., New York: Routledge, 1998.
• Space/Sight/Self, Courtenay Smith ed., Chicago: Smart Museum, University of Chicago, 1998.
• Gravity + Duet: Video Installations, essays by Johanne Sloan, Laurie Palmer, Toronto: Toronto Photographers Workshop, 1999.
• The Sexual Perspective: Homosexuality in Western Art in the Last 100 Years, Emmanuel Cooper, London: Routledge, 1994.
100 Years of Homosexuality, Saskatoon: The Photographers’ Gallery, 1993.
• Stolen Glances: Lesbians Take Photographs, Tessa Boffin, Jean Fraser, eds., London: Pandora Press, 1991.